Mussels with Red Pepper Butter


100 fresh mussels, scrubbed and de-bearded
1 cup white wine
1 Tbsp chopped shallot
1/2 tsp thyme
1 bay leaf
2 red peppers diced, lightly sautéed
2 Tbsp freshly chopped parsley

Red Pepper Butter:
2 lbs butter
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup minced pimento
3 red peppers, diced, sautéed and pureed in a food processor
2 Tbsp garlic, minced
2 Tbsp scallions, minced
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 Tbsp paprika
1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped
salt and pepper


Steam mussels in white wine, shallot, thyme, and bay leaf until they open. Discard the top half of each shell and remove the beards, grit and chewy band inside. Melt butter. Add all other ingredients and cook about five minutes. Chill the butter mixture over ice, stirring occasionally to assure an even distribution of the ingredients. Mound about 1 Tbsp of butter on each mussel. Bake for 8 minutes at 375 degrees. Dot each with some diced, sautéed red pepper, place under broiler until sizzling, sprinkle with parsley and a splash of Pernod before serving.